Saturday, February 27, 2010

Word of the day: Unconditional

Word of the day is dedicated to everyone at 283 salem

Thursday, February 25, 2010

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In the beautiful, man sets himself up as the standard of perfection; in select cases he worships himself in it. . . . Man believes that the world itself is filled with beauty - he forgets that it is he who has created it. He alone has bestowed beauty upon the world - alas! only a very human, an all too human, beauty.

Word of the day: Intention

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So Many Nights

So many nights
I sit by my window
Wondering what to do
I sit there from
Night to dawn
Waiting for
My husband
to come home.

Is he out fucking
Around with some
Fucking hooker or
Is he getting drunk
And saying fuck my wife
I won't go home I
Will stay out with
This blond hooker.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More Wise Words...

"In every truth the opposite is equally true. But, the world being in and around us is never one-sided. Never is a man fully a saint or a sinner, this just seems so because we suffer the illusion that time is something real. And if time is not real, then the dividing line between this world and eternity, between suffering and bliss, between good and evil is also and illusion."

-Hermann Hesse 'Siddartha'

Word of tomorrow: Languid

Brought to you by our special sumxwhy guest; blue cosmic storm

A General Brainstorm

Transfer- move or cause to move (resettle/relocate)
Transfiguration- complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state (transmute)
Invisible- not visible to the eye (veiled)
Weight- (force)
- substance of power
- substance of frame
- burden
- fundamental models
Dynamic Equilibrium
Newtonian Mechanics
High-energy particle physics observations
Electrical Power
Mechanical Power
Body-Weight, control
Human experimentations
Human experimentation with weight
I am Human, and I once stood here

Final thought...
..... and I once stood here.

Word of the Day: Quintessential

Monday, February 15, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

Word of the day: Quadrennium

The last thing the men behind the curtain want to a conscience, informed public capable of critical thinking.

Sen. Jay Rockefeller, in continuing his family's tradition of oppressing free humanity, has pushed forward Cybersecurity legislation that has already passed the House. He has done so in the name of warding off ghastly cyber "attackers" conceivably fronting for al Qaeda while ushering in a means to restrict free speech and expression online for the general population.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dear History

Dear History
For too long have I pondered your meaning, memorized dates of battles, years of servitude, decades of injustice, named eras after movements, mourned the extinction of species, cursed founding fathers, warn vintage suits and cloaked myself with references of your hold on me.
I have walked through museums wondering how it is that greatness had lived and died all before my time. Parts of me feared becoming great because it seemed to include a prince of death and a postmortem resurrect. I've stared at paintings dying to get a glimpse of the painted, closed my eyes to listen to songs that drunken ghosts dance to, and all the while I've fought to FREE the present to BECOME.

In 1995, I stood with poets in the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge, barking metaphors at the new moon of the summer solstice wedging words into it's craters, sewing seeds through nightly wind.
In 1996, I forced the ocean back with words, fathered planets, and climbed pyramids.
In 1997, I stood with prisoners in our nations capital benching bars with the power of thought.
In 1998, I swallowed fear and sun-danced on film reels, projecting a me that had not been, into a me that ever shall be.

And HERE I stand, ten years the difference and a witness to changing hands.

Dear History,
I beat you. I stand a generator of generations bearing witness to a world that we are holding accountable for the past actions. Me and my friends, we're changing our diets, re-inventing marriage, check-mating capitalism, re-defining ethics, replacing cruelty with compassion and have sworn not to re-elect the sins of the father.
We are casting our votes for so much more than a lesser of evils, but for change, and greater insight, for wisdom out of the mouths of babes, for the races that bleed into ONE.

Dear History,
You are behind us and we are no longer looking back. We are standing on the threshold of new times, new days, new worlds, and changing forward without battle cry or trumpet, with cynicism, apathy, and cowardice take their place beside you, behind us.

Dear History,
We no longer believe in you. We have invested our thoughts and dreams into the present moment and opportunity to shift our reality into one that does not resemble your dog-earned books.
We stand on the shoulders of those who have dared to dream and on the necks of those who have wasted their time and ours proclaiming a past, past its prime.

Dear History,
Blitz! It's my turn now. You can have your mounds of flesh, leather boots, cannons and sabers, nooses and guillotines, warships and fighter planes, trails of tears and blood, genocide, dungeons and dragons, ghost stories and fairy tales....

-Saul Williams

Word of the Day: Tradiational

Zeitgeist Movement Awaits....

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Wise Words from a Wise Man

"He envied them. The one thing he lacked and that they had: the sense of importance with which they lived their lives.
The depth of their pleasures and sorrows, the anxious but sweet happiness of their continual power to love. Nothing was
and nothing will be. Everything has reality and presence."

- Hermann Hesse from 'Siddartha'

Word of the Day: Amalgamation

One of the most beautiful things I think ever!!

Friday, February 5, 2010


I want to be control with you
I want to be micro-enterprise with you
I want be transport with you
I want to be fitness with you
I want to be guitar with you
I want be pitchfork with you
I want to be abyss with you
I want to be enchanted with you
I want to be nonchalant with you
I want to be crystallized with you

Sent at 2:29 AM on Saturday