Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Interview with a Moon, featuring a Sun.

Trip up north to where the sun never sets. 

I: You must get tired never being able to rest. 
S: I don' mind. As long as I can make happiness never disappear I will never be tired. 

I: And you moon. Don't you ever get tired of bringing darkness? 
M: I don't mind as long as it bring happiness I will never sleep. 

I: But don't you ever get lonely once everyone has gone to bed? 
M: No! I always have the stars to talk to. 

I: What about when then stars sleep, what about then? 
M: Still no! Because I know then it won't be long before the sun comes up. But sometimes it's nice to have the whole world to breath alone in. 

I: What about you Sun, What bring you happiness? 
S: Seeing the happy creatures grow below me and the comfort of knowing that no matter what happens on earth when ever the Moon or myself are out, the earthlings are happy no matter how deep the search may be. 

I: What happens, and how does it make you feel when you shine, but the clouds are get in your way?
S: Listening to them go about their day. It helps me relax because I can still hear them. Often times I hear them wishing for me to shine. Sometimes the clouds just aren't strong enough to hold me back. 
M: Well, to be honest I get quite nervous, not just me but the stars as well. I know that with darkness comes fear but when the stars and I are out it sort of relaxes the planet. But when I can't see what is happening down there I get worried. Some nights I can recall hearing terrifying voices followed by haunting screams. It saddens me knowing that there was nothing I could do. 

I: Do you like it when it rains? 
S: Yes!
M: Yes!

I: Do yo like it when it snows? 
S: No, because it gets cold, and people get sad. 
M: Yes!

I: What is your favorite part about what you do? 
M: When it's the time to be full.

I: Why is that Moon.
M: Because around the time when I am full, earth starts to act a little crazy and their emotions run wild. It's also one of the few times that I get to feel what humans feel. 

I: And how does that make you feel? 
M: Weird. It's like having 6 billion people inside of you. 

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