Tone 3 ~ electric ~ rhythm and change

Tone 4 ~ self-existing ~ measure and discipline

White Wind and White Wizard are our conscious selves - who we are becoming.
Align your own will with divine will and your Essence Self. Be transparent, innocently allowing magic to come through you rather than needing to create it. Open to heart-knowing and limitless possibilties.
White Wizard is a tool of the light, a conduit for the work of Spirit. A wise magician is spontaneous and transparent, allowing magic to come in rather than trying to control it or make it happen. A magician dances the dance of love through offering gifts of freedom to others. This is real magic. Freed from the need to use power to manipulate or control, a magician uses wisdom to manifest liberation and love.
White Wind is the galactic wind, the catalyzing current, the Spirit that moves through all things. It is the divine breath that gives life to all creation, the unseen essence of solar energy. White Wind is the breath of inspiration, the fertilizing force of the wind. Its essence is the movement of Spirit as it penetrates into form to enliven, purify and inspire.
Receive the gift of White Wind by simply taking a conscious breath. Amidst the seemign complexity, beathe consciously. Allow your life to be more like the wind, free-flowing and open to Spirit.
White Wind represents spontaneity and simplicity. As you experience the truth of the present moment, White Wind leaves you free to move on to the next moment without the baggage of desire, regret or expectation. White Wind is the simple knowledge that invisible forces are always moving in your life, guiding and inspiring.
White Wind also embodies the concept of presence. Presence is an expression of beingness, a creator of intimacy. It has to do with being wise in your simplicity. From simple beingness, your true identity emerges. Presence is being open, aware, and in the now. Presence is 'being there' for whatever is.

Tendencies of Earth signs include:
- excellent manners
- socially acceptable in conduct, behavior and speech
- characteristic love for material and tangible things
- have a nice, expertly decorated home
- derive pleasure from sensory stimulation such as taste, smell and feel
- Sight, sound, touch, smell and taste brings joy or depression
- not prone to physical violence
- mildly revengeful
- masters at assessing and organizing tangible things.
- centers of a certain kind of high-level productivity
- shape, manifest, cultivate and revel in Earthly delights
~ MERCURY ~ our ruling planet

A person who has their Mercury in Virgo is logical, critical, practical, and detail oriented. They catch on quickly and manage their life in an organized fashion. Analytical and efficient, they plot out a task ahead of time and work through it step by step. There is no disorder or chaos surrounding this person. Their manner of speech, dress and surroundings will be well organized and tasteful. They can operate well as a team leader but their need for things to be exact might drive the other team members crazy. A solo job that requires detailed, methodical work would keep this person quite content and have fantastic results. Bookkeeping and financial work would be a match made in heaven.
It can seem as though they do not have confidence but that is an optical illusion. They do hesitate before making a decision on how to proceed because they like to ensure that they are correct by checking that list two or three times for errors. They hold themselves up to a high standard of accuracy to the point that they can become perfectionists. They can nit pick at the flaws within themselves and others. Romanticism and emotional outpourings are not likely to flow out of a person with their Mercury in Virgo. They would show those around them that they care through practical means- paying bills, taking out the garbage, showing up on time for meetings. To them, poetry is just empty, fanciful words and flowers weeds that are about to die. Real love is shown through the proof of dedication.
This sign is likely to have a great deal of professional and financial success due to a high level of education and highly specialized skills. There is also a communications aptitude that can express itself orally or through writing. Their meticulous nature will be applied to their proper use of language and grammar. They can become obsessed with their work to the point that they withdraw from every other aspect of their lives. It is essential that they find a way to balance this out or they will tire to the point they begin to question themselves. A Virgo that is questioning them is like a Leo forced into a cage- it is not a natural feeling state and will be met with a fight.
If life is indeed like a long, winding and obstacle strewn path this person is the one drawing out the maps and plotting the best way through to the end. It isn't that they can predict the future. They have merely run through every possible situation so many times that they have an idea in mind when it finally comes along.
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